Davidoff Prestige Lighter
Perfect lighting with a touch of elegance.
Accessories are an essential part of the pleasure experienced by aficionados when tasting a cigar. Carefully designed and made in France by craftsmen of the house S.T. Dupont, Davidoff lighters represent an authentic know-how and a deep passion for cigars. Their quality guarantees a flawless experience at each use. Some lighters, like the ones of the Prestige line, can even become legacies, worthy of time, thus crossing generations.
A perfect ignition combined with elegance was a principal motivation of this lighter's design. Indeed, the Prestige lighter has a special burner composed of two opposing energy flows producing a fan flame, ideal for lighting your cigars and thus enjoying harmonious smoke from the first puffs.
This technology has been developed according to a tradition and expertise that only a company with a long history, like S.T. Dupont House, can offer.
Prestige line has an elegant combination of shiny and brushed sides with an engraving whose motifs are inspired by a tobacco leaf. Engraving techniques are one of the signature skills of S.T.Dupont. Precision methods, micromechanical and diamond tools are used to enhance brilliance of a finished product, cutting and faceting it like a gemstone. The obtained result is of incomparable finesse.
This lighter proves to be functional as well with a cap’s fluid opening, a facile replacement of a flint or a tank’s re-filling.
At the opening of the cap, stamped with "Davidoff" logo, the lighter emits a crystalline sound that is characteristic of S.T. Dupont pieces and is recognizable among all others. This famous "cling" appeared accidentally on Line 2 lighters in 1976.
The lighter Davidoff Prestige is born from a union of an elaborate style and a technical innovation.
Dressed in noble materials, such as rose gold and palladium, these two limited edition models are numbered and embody both classic and modern elegance.
DAVIDOFF Prestige Lighter in Palladium - Limited edition of 400 copies
DAVIDOFF Prestige Lighter in Rose Gold - Limited edition of 300 copies
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