HR Cigars
Exploring tradition and legacy.
In the world of premium cigars, few names carry as much weight and history as HR Cigars. Rooted in a legacy that spans generations, HR Cigars is the brainchild of Hirochi Robaina, grandson of the legendary Cuban tobacco farmer Alejandro Robaina.
The Robaina family's connection to tobacco dates back to the 1800s in Cuba. Alejandro Robaina, revered as one of the premier growers in Cuban history, passed down his expertise to Hirochi. Continuing the family tradition, Hirochi ventured beyond Cuban borders to Nicaragua, where he began crafting top-shelf cigars that rival the best in the world.
In late 2014, Hirochi Robaina introduced his non-Cuban cigar blend to the U.S. market. Collaborating with Omar González-Alemán, another renowned Cuban cigar maker, Hirochi brought forth a line of cigars that exemplify the Robaina legacy.
The collaboration between Hirochi Robaina and Omar González-Alemán gave birth to the HR Cigars brand, a tribute to the Robaina family's storied history in the cigar industry. Utilizing Nicaraguan fillers from Jalapa and Estelí, a Jalapa binder, and a Maduro wrapper from Ecuador, HR Cigars boast a robust flavor profile that pays homage to the family's Cuban roots while embracing new horizons.
HR Cigars offer a range of options to please every palate. From the light and nuanced HR White line by Hirochi Robaina to the medium-strength HR Signature line, available in various sizes, to the bold and powerful HR Blue line, aficionados are spoiled for choice. Crafted at the La Corona Cigars S.A. factory in Nicaragua under the expert guidance of master roller Omar González, each cigar is a testament to tradition, craftsmanship, and innovation.
HR Cigars epitomize the intersection of tradition and innovation in the world of premium cigars. With a legacy deeply rooted in Cuban heritage and a commitment to excellence, Hirochi Robaina and his team continue to redefine the standards of cigar craftsmanship, offering aficionados an unparalleled smoking experience that honors the past while embracing the future.
> Discover all the range of HR Cigars.