HR Cigars Signature line: Sublime
A masterpiece unveiled.
In late 2014, Hirochi Robaina, the grandson of the renowned Cuban tobacco farmer Alejandro Robaina, introduced his non-Cuban cigar blend to the discerning U.S. market. This marked the debut of HR Cigars, a brand born from a collaboration with Omar González-Alemán, another esteemed figure in the Cuban cigar industry who once oversaw operations at the La Corona factory in Cuba.
Among the standout offerings in HR Cigars' extensive lineup is the Signature line, revered for its exceptional quality and craftsmanship. Currently available in five distinct sizes, including the Belicoso (52 x 139.7 mm), Corona (42 x 127 mm), Hermoso (48 x 130.18mm), Sublime (54 x 165.1 mm), and Toro (52 x 152 mm), each cigar in this collection represents the epitome of excellence.
The Sublime stands out as the largest vitola within the Signature line, earning its place as one of our personal favorites. Encased in a regal mahogany-colored wooden box adorned with golden inscriptions, each box houses 20 meticulously crafted cigars.
Upon lighting, the Sublime unveils a symphony of flavors that captivates the senses. Initially, creamy leather dominates the palate, followed by subtle nuances of tobacco, herbs, earth, citrus, roasted nuts, and dark chocolate. A delightful interplay of black pepper and spice tantalizes the palate, while a hint of sweetness adds depth to the overall experience.
From the outset, the draw is flawless, ensuring a smooth and consistent smoking experience. While the burn may display a slight waviness, it requires minimal adjustment, allowing aficionados to focus on savoring the rich flavors. The Sublime boasts impressive smoke production, enveloping the senses in a dense, aromatic cloud.
As the journey progresses, the cigar's strength gradually intensifies, reaching a satisfying medium level. Despite its robust character, the Sublime maintains a balanced and nuanced profile, culminating in a deeply gratifying smoking session.
From impeccable construction to unparalleled flavor complexity, the Sublime exemplifies the mastery and dedication embodied by HR Cigars.
> Discover HR Cigars Signature line - Sublime.