Alec Bradley
A legacy of passion and innovation.
The tale of Alec Bradley Cigar Company is one of determination, resilience, and a deep passion for cigars. Founded in 1996 by Alan Rubin, a humble cigar enthusiast with a dream, the brand has since become a renowned name in the cigar industry.
Alan Rubin's journey into the world of cigars started without any prior experience in the field. Driven by ambition and a thirst for knowledge, he immersed himself in learning about the history, blending techniques, and culture of tobacco. In 1996, he turned his dream into reality by establishing the Alec Bradley Cigar Company, named after his sons, Alec and Bradley.
Just two years into its inception, Alec Bradley faced a challenging period as the tobacco industry grappled with the aftermath of the tobacco boom's decline. Survival seemed uncertain until an encounter with Ralph Montero, a seasoned professional in the industry, changed the company's trajectory.
In response to the crisis, Alan and Ralph joined forces to steer Alec Bradley in a new direction. They set their sights on making a mark in specialized tobacco retail stores. With the guidance of Henke Kelner, a renowned Davidoff cigar manufacturer, they introduced a new line called "Occidental Reserve". Sending out 500 samples to retail stores proved to be the lifeline Alec Bradley needed, attracting new customers and revitalizing the brand.
Following the success of the "Occidental Reserve", Alec Bradley continued its momentum with innovative products. The "Trilogy," a triangular cigar, became a standout hit, along with the introduction of the "Maxx" line. The pivotal moment came in 2007 with the launch of the "Tempus" line, a full-bodied offering that cemented Alec Bradley's place among the industry's elite.
As the company flourished, Alan's sons, Alec and Bradley, joined the business full-time. Alec focused on marketing, promotions, and sales support, while Bradley contributed to marketing and social media development. After years of apprenticeship, they unveiled their own blend, "Kintsugi," under the secondary line "Alec & Bradley" in December 2020.
In addition to creating new lines, Alec and Bradley are working on a special project that grants them creative control over a regional exclusive to be released in their territories. With a focus on providing aficionados with unforgettable experiences through their products, Alec Bradley remains committed to its core values.
For the Rubins, Alec Bradley is more than a business—it's a family legacy. "You can't imagine how proud I am. There are no words to describe how being able to work with my boys brings me joy. And my father, at 91, comes in every day, so we have three generations in the office every day," shared founder Alan Rubin, reflecting on the company's family-oriented ethos.
In the world of cigars, Alec Bradley stands as a testament to passion, perseverance, and the pursuit of excellence. With more than two decades of history and innovation, the brand continues to craft exceptional cigars that captivate enthusiasts worldwide.
> Discover all the range of all the Alec Bradley cigars.