Honoring tradition and craftsmanship in the heart of Honduras.
In a cigar world often dominated by the rise of Nicaraguan tobacco, the worldwide appeal of Cuban cigars, and the perennial demand for Dominican blends, Honduras has sometimes been overlooked. Yet, the Aladino brand stands as a powerful reminder of Honduras' rich heritage in producing exceptional cigars and cultivating premium tobacco.
Aladino cigars were created by industry veteran Julio Eiroa, a master cigar blender and tobacco grower with deep roots in the industry. Born in 1938 in San Juan y Martinez, in Cuba’s famed Pinar del Rio province, Eiroa's early life was shaped by the island's political turmoil. His exile led him to the Jamastran Valley in Honduras, where he founded the JRE Tobacco farm. This move was pivotal, allowing Eiroa to blend Aladino cigars with Cuban Corojo-seed tobacco grown in this fertile valley.
JRE Tobacco Co., the family-centered company behind Aladino, was founded by Julio R. Eiroa and his son, Justo M. Eiroa. This father-son duo manages all aspects of cigar growing and manufacturing, ensuring every cigar is crafted with care and precision. Justo, a graduate of the El Zamorano agriculture school in Honduras, brings his expertise in consumer products and distribution chain management to the company. JRE Tobacco Co. is headquartered in Miami, emphasizing a “crop to shop” philosophy that underscores their commitment to quality.
Vivian Eiroa, the next generation of the family in the cigar business, serves as the international sales manager for JRE Cigars. She is dedicated to opening new markets for the Aladino brand and continuing its international expansion. Her efforts ensure that the tradition and quality of Aladino cigars reach enthusiasts around the globe.
The Eiroa family prides itself on providing sustained quality and satisfaction with every Aladino cigar. Their commitment is unwavering, encompassing the entire cigar manufacturing process. As the premier Corojo grower in the industry, Julio Eiroa guarantees that all their brands offer the opportunity to enjoy an authentic Corojo taste reminiscent of cigars from the 1960s. This dedication extends to their other brands, Rancho Luna and Tatascan, ensuring every product meets their rigorous standards.
Julio Eiroa describes Aladino as a true “classic old-fashioned cigar.” Each Aladino cigar is a puro, crafted from authentic Corojo grown on the JRE Tobacco Farm in Honduras, using the original Cuban seed of Corojo. The current Aladino catalogue is a testament to the brand’s diversity and commitment to quality. It includes: Aladino Cameroon, Aladino Connecticut, Aladino Corojo, Aladino Corojo Reserva, Aladino Habano Vintage Selection, Aladino Maduro and Aladino Classic. Each of these blends reflects the Eiroa family's dedication to creating cigars that honor tradition while appealing to contemporary tastes.
Aladino cigars embody the Eiroa family's rich legacy and unwavering commitment to quality. From Julio's pioneering journey to the innovative contributions of Justo and Vivian, the family's dedication shapes every aspect of the brand. Their deep-rooted traditions and values ensure that each cigar offers a unique and authentic experience, paying homage to the past while looking forward to the future of premium cigars.
> Discover other premium standard cigars.
ALADINO - Cameroon Robusto – Box of 24
Vitola: Robusto (50 x 127 mm)
ALADINO - Cameroon Super Toro – Box of 24
Vitola: Toro (52 x 152 mm)
ALADINO - Vintage Selection Elegante – Box of 20
Vitola: Elegante (38 x 177.8 mm)
ALADINO - Vintage Selection Toro – Box of 20
Vitola: Toro (50 x 152.4 mm)