Cohiba Siglo de Oro
Exclusive cigar showcasing brand-new technology.
From the very beginning, elegant notes of tanned leather are revealed. This cigar, although young, shows a certain maturity, thanks to its triple fermentation. Medium-bodied, it is remarkably balanced emanating spicy notes with a delicate roundness.
The first third brings a subtle bitterness of green coffee, fading away to a distinct woody bouquet. In the second third, the same flavours are perceived, however, with increased intensity. Right in the middle of the tasting, the Cohiba’s signature notes appear delivering perfectly balanced flavors and some extra smoothness.
The last third brings a surprising delicacy, as well as woody aromas that blend harmoniously along with roasted and spicy notes. The Siglo de Oro offers a smooth aromatic bouquet that lasts until the last puff. It is a full-bodied well-balanced cigar.
In a nutshell, this short, complex and satisfying cigar has captivated our palate. If only it was a bit longer…
The Cohiba Siglo de Oro (meaning “golden century” in Spanish) is a new cigar in Cohiba family. It celebrates the 30th anniversary of the brand’s line 1492. The Línea 1492, introduced in 1992, is composed of 6 vitolas (Siglo I, II, III, IV, V, VI, each bearing the name of a century since the discovery of the Americas by Christopher Columbus).
For this occasion, Pacific Cigar and Infifon HK, exclusive distributors of Habanos SA, organized a series of launching events in several Asian countries: in Macau, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong.
In Chinese culture, the number 8 is considered a good luck charm, which inspired Habanos to produce 18,888 boxes of 18 cigars, for a total of only 340,000 pieces, making the product even more exclusive.
It is the first cigar to include an NFC chip on its boxes. This technology allows to have a direct access to the information about the vitola and to verify the authenticity of the product in the blink of an eye.
The cigars are presented in an elegant black cedar box, covered with a shiny lacquer, bearing an iconography of the rabbit, in reference to the Chinese lunar calendar.
Back in 2019 Habanos released the COHIBA Robusto Año del Cerdo to celebrate the Chinese New Year of the Pig.
Like all prestigious cigars, the Cohiba Siglo de Oro festures a black and golden ring on its foot.
To handcraft vitola, the wrapper, filler and binder tobacco leaves come from the Vuelta Abajo. These were meticulously selected and aged before being rolled according to the «Totalmente a Mano» tradition.
The wrapper is of a beautiful light brown shade, providing a smooth and shiny look. Its construction ensures a regular and perfect combustion.
The Siglo de Oro is a new size called Exitosos (54 x 115 mm) in the Cuban denomination system.
> Discover more about the history of the Cohiba brand.
> Discover other special releases.
COHIBA – Siglo de Oro - Box of 18 (9+9)
Vitola: Exitosos (54 x 115 mm)
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