Davidoff 80 Aniversario

A timeless tribute to Zino Davidoff.

The Davidoff 80 Aniversario, released in 1986, is a legendary cigar that holds a special place in the hearts of cigar aficionados worldwide. Created to celebrate Zino Davidoff's 80th birthday, this exceptional Cuban cigar embodies the essence of Davidoff's craftsmanship and Zino's vision for excellence.

Zino Davidoff, the visionary behind the Davidoff brand, was known for his brilliant savoir-vivre and dedication to the art of cigar making. His passion for creating beautifully crafted cigars that offered an unparalleled smoking experience is evident in every Davidoff cigar. The 80 Aniversario is no exception, representing a pinnacle of his life's work and dedication.

The Davidoff 80 Aniversario is more than just a cigar; it is a piece of history. Released when Davidoff cigars were still produced in Cuba, this limited-edition cigar has become one of the most sought-after collectibles among serious cigar enthusiasts. Its rarity and exceptional quality make it a "must-have" for anyone interested in the finest handmade Havanas.

Measuring 47 x 235 mm, the Davidoff 80 Aniversario is the longest Cuban Davidoff ever made. This cigar is a testament to the meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail that Davidoff is known for. Two of the cigars in the 20-count box are presented in solid tubes, adding to their allure and preserving their pristine condition.

The Davidoff 80 Aniversario offers a slow, cool burn, starting with a woody character that gradually evolves into rich, lasting impressions of nutmeg and cinnamon. As the cigar progresses, the flavors become more vivid and precise, providing a refined and memorable smoking experience. Its full-bodied flavors of cedar and tobacco are balanced by its smoothness, making it a generous and rich smoke.

The ability to age well is a hallmark of Davidoff's Cuban cigars. Much like vintage-dated red wines, the extra aging enhances the overall quality of these cigars. Zino Davidoff often compared his Cuban cigars to great Bordeaux wines, especially the Davidoff Chateaux series, which bears the names of the five first growths of Bordeaux. This comparison underscores the exceptional quality and aging potential of the Davidoff 80 Aniversario.

In a press release from December 1991, it was announced that no more Davidoff cigars would be manufactured in Cuba or use Cuban tobacco, and that the existing stock of Davidoff Havanas would be available only until the end of 1992. This marked the end of an era for Davidoff's Cuban production, making the 80 Aniversario even more valuable and significant.

The Davidoff 80 Aniversario is a cigar that embodies the rich legacy and vision of Zino Davidoff. Its rarity, exceptional craftsmanship, and unique smoking experience make it a coveted collectible for cigar enthusiasts around the world. For many, the white oval band bearing the script "Davidoff" and "Cuba" represents the pinnacle of cigar excellence, and the 80 Aniversario stands as a testament to the timeless artistry and dedication that defined Zino Davidoff's life and work.

> Discover more about the history of the Davidoff brand.

> Discover other special releases.

DAVIDOFF - 80 Aniversario (1986) - Box of 20
Vitola: Gran Corona (47 x 235 mm)

