Don Pepin Garcia Blue Label Lancero

A Cuban tradition in Nicaraguan tobacco.

Released by the legendary cigar maker Don José "Pepin" Garcia, the Don Pepin Garcia Blue Label Lancero is an exquisite representation of his craftsmanship. Originally launched in 2003, the Blue Label line has undergone several refinements over the years, making it one of the most sought-after cigars for aficionados who appreciate full-bodied, Nicaraguan smokes. The Lancero vitola, introduced in May, offers a slender and elegant profile that delivers a rich, flavorful smoking experience, emblematic of Garcia's dedication to quality.

Handcrafted in the small El Rey de los Habanos factory located within the My Father Cigars warehouse in Doral, Florida, the Blue Label Lancero embodies Garcia’s commitment to creating cigars that honor the Cuban tradition. Made from 100% Nicaraguan tobacco, it features an extra-oily Corojo Oscuro wrapper sourced from Ecuador. The slim 38 x 190 mm vitola provides a long, cool smoke, allowing the complex flavors of the blend to shine through. The cigars are rolled in the Cuban style, featuring a traditional triple cap that ensures precision and quality in each stick.

The Don Pepin Garcia Blue Label Lancero is known for its bold flavor profile, which starts with zesty notes of leather, cedar, and hot peppers. The cigar is remarkably sweet from the first puff, balancing the rich, spicy elements with a touch of underlying sweetness. Midway through the smoke, the intensity of the hot pepper notes mellows slightly, giving way to a more complex blend of flavors, including roasted nuts and cocoa. This smooth transition creates a dynamic and full-bodied smoking experience, making the Lancero a standout in the Blue Label line.

The Blue Label Lancero, like the rest of the Don Pepin Garcia line, is a testament to Garcia’s incredible skill as a master cigar roller and blender. Pepin’s journey from Cuba to Nicaragua and eventually to the U.S. led him to create cigars that pay homage to his Cuban heritage while embracing the unique qualities of Nicaraguan tobacco. His mastery of cigar making has earned him a reputation as one of the most successful blenders in the world. Today, his factory in Miami may be small, but it produces some of the finest boutique cigars available.

The Blue Label line itself has served as the inspiration for the creation of other successful blends in the My Father Cigars portfolio, such as the Cuban Classic (Black Label) and the Series JJ. Each cigar from the Blue Label line is a bold, full-bodied creation that brings together tradition, innovation, and superior craftsmanship.

For cigar lovers who appreciate the complexity and elegance of a Lancero, the Don Pepin Garcia Blue Label Lancero is a must-try. Its combination of rich flavors, expert construction, and balanced strength makes it a top choice among cigar enthusiasts. 

> Discover other premium standard cigars.

DON PEPIN GARCIA - Blue Label - Lancero - Box of 24
Vitola: Lancero (38 x 190.5 mm)

