E.P. Carrillo Encore Noir and Encore Edición Unica
Two new exclusive cigars debut for international connoisseurs.
E.P. Carrillo, renowned for its masterful cigar creations, is thrilled to introduce two new cigars in its acclaimed Perez-Carrillo Encore line: Encore Noir and Encore Edición Unica. Both cigars are crafted to satisfy the sophisticated tastes of international cigar aficionados, showcasing the brand's dedication to innovation and quality.
Jorge Fernandez Maique, who joined E.P. Carrillo in 2021 as general manager after a distinguished career with Habanos S.A., played a crucial role in developing these new releases. "Noir is tailored more for the international market," says Lissette Perez-Carrillo of E.P. Carrillo, emphasizing the nuanced blend that distinguishes it from the original Encore and the recently released Encore Black.
The Encore Noir is a captivating addition that builds on the legacy of the original Encore. This robusto vitola, known as Majestic No. 2, measures 136 mm in length with a ring gauge of 52. It features an Ecuadorian wrapper, Nicaraguan binder, and a blend of fillers from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. The darker wrapper, a higher priming variation of the original, offers a medium-to-full-bodied smoking experience.
On the other hand, the Encore Edición Unica is a testament to the brand’s expertise with aged tobacco. This cigar features a Nicaraguan wrapper aged for at least five years, combined with binder and fillers that have been aged for a decade. The Edición Unica debuts in a toro gordo size, named Solidarios, measuring 152 mm in length with a ring gauge of 56. Limited to 1,500 boxes of 10 cigars, this exclusive release is available only outside the United States.
Both cigars are meticulously handcrafted at Casa Carrillo in Santiago, Dominican Republic. The Encore Noir, with its darker, richer wrapper, and the Edición Unica, with its well-aged tobaccos, offer distinct yet complementary experiences. “With Encore Noir, by using a higher priming of the wrapper, we achieved a darker wrapper that creates a significant change from the original Encore blend”, explains Maique. "With Unica, I wondered how changing the box press to a round format would influence the blend. We are very happy with the results."
The launch of these cigars reinforces E.P. Carrillo's commitment to excellence and innovation in the world of premium cigars. The Encore Noir and Edición Unica are poised to captivate cigar enthusiasts around the globe, offering rich, complex flavors and unparalleled craftsmanship. With limited annual releases, both cigars promise to be coveted additions to any cigar collection.
>Discover the brand's story as well as an exclusive interview with Ernesto Perez Carillo Jr.
E.P. CARRILLO Encore - Noir - Box of 10
Vitola: Majestic No. 2 (52 x 136 mm)
E.P. CARILLO Encore - Edición Unica - Box of 10
Vitola: Solidarios (52 x 156 mm)