Flor de Las Antillas

The Garcia family’s homage to Cuba.

The Flor de Las Antillas brand, created by Nicaragua's esteemed Garcia family, stands as a testament to the blending mastery and tradition of one of the most influential cigar families in the industry. Released in May 2012 by My Father Cigars, this brand quickly made its mark. The Garcia family, led by Don Pepin Garcia, is known for their dedication to the craft, producing cigars that consistently impress aficionados worldwide.

The name "Flor de Las Antillas" pays homage to Cuba, the largest island of the Antilles, a region rich in cigar heritage. This connection to Cuba is not just in name, but also in the spirit of the cigars themselves, which draw on the Garcia family's deep roots in Cuban tobacco tradition. The cigars are rolled at My Father Cigars S.A. in Estelí, Nicaragua, using 100% Nicaraguan tobacco. The blend features the family’s signature double binders and a wrapper leaf grown in the open sunlight, which contributes to the cigar’s distinctive flavor profile.

Flor de Las Antillas offers four core vitolas: Belicoso, Robusto, Toro, and Toro Gordo. Each size delivers a unique yet consistent smoking experience, defined by the smoothness and complexity that My Father cigars are known for. In 2016, the family expanded the line by introducing a Maduro version, offering an even richer and darker smoking experience for those seeking bolder flavors.

Tasting a Flor de Las Antillas cigar is an experience of balance and depth. The cigars open with notes of nutmeg and white pepper, a hallmark of the Nicaraguan terroir, alongside a rich cocoa flavor that carries through the smoke. The strength is medium-bodied, with just enough power to satisfy without overwhelming the palate. Aficioandos can expect a beautiful white ash and a smooth finish, adding to the overall refinement of the cigar.

Breaking down the flavor progression, the first third introduces leather, espresso, and wood with a touch of black pepper. The initial draw may feel slightly loose, but it tightens up as the cigar burns, ensuring a more focused experience. Moving into the second third, a subtle sweetness emerges, complementing the core flavors without overpowering them. The cigar maintains a steady medium strength throughout, with pepper fading into the background on the retrohale. The final third offers a smooth, balanced finish, leaving the smoker with a sense of satisfaction and an eagerness for the next puff.

Flor de Las Antillas embodies the Garcia family's commitment to excellence, blending craftsmanship and tradition into every cigar. With its balanced flavors, refined construction, and historical significance, it continues to be a favorite among cigar enthusiasts.

> Discover other premium standard cigars.

FLOR DE LAS ANTILLAS - Belicoso - Box of 20
Vitola: (52 x 139.7 mm)

FLOR DE LAS ANTILLAS - Robusto - Box of 20
Vitola: (50 x 127 mm)

FLOR DE LAS ANTILLAS - Toro - Box of 20
Vitola: (52 x 152.4 mm)

FLOR DE LAS ANTILLAS - Toro Gordo - Box of 20
Vitola: (56 x 165.10 mm)
