Horacio Pasión
A new chapter in elegance and flavor.
The Horacio brand, well-regarded among cigar enthusiasts for its iconic Heritage and Classic series, has recently introduced an exciting new addition to its portfolio – the Horacio Pasión line. This new release represents a sophisticated evolution of the brand, offering aficionados a refined and balanced smoking experience that remains true to Horacio's commitment to quality and craftsmanship.
The Horacio Pasión series is comprised of five meticulously crafted vitolas: Pasión 38, Pasión 42, Pasión 44, Pasión 48, and Pasión 52. These cigars are designed to perfectly complement the existing Horacio product range, offering a variety of sizes to suit different preferences. The sleek, elegant presentation of each cigar reflects the attention to detail and premium quality that the brand is known for.
At the heart of the Pasión series is a blend of carefully selected tobaccos from the famed Estelí and Jalapa regions of Nicaragua, known for producing some of the finest leaves in the world. The Ecuadorian wrapper, chosen for its unique characteristics, adds a layer of intensity and harmony to the overall flavor profile. The result is a medium-strength cigar that delivers a truly immersive tasting experience.
The flavor profile of the Horacio Pasión is both balanced and nuanced. Upon lighting, the cigar releases a generous and rich smoke that immediately engages the senses. Notes of leather dominate the initial puffs, accompanied by subtle hints of roasted beans and spices. As the smoke progresses, delicate undertones of coffee and honey begin to emerge, enhancing the cigar’s complexity and providing a touch of sweetness to balance the earthy core.
Before lighting, the raw aroma offers a tantalizing preview, with delicate scents of leather and humus, supported by rich roasted notes reminiscent of a freshly brewed espresso. As you draw on the cigar, the harmonious interplay of leathery and woody flavors deepens, culminating in a smooth, well-rounded finish. Midway through the experience, the burn remains steady and the draw perfect, while the honey notes intensify, adding to the cigar's charm. The persistence of flavor is remarkable, inviting smokers to savor every puff down to the last.
Each box of Horacio Pasión cigars contains 16 meticulously constructed cigars, ensuring that every vitola provides the same level of quality and satisfaction.
> Discover other premium standard cigars.
HORACIO - Pasión 38 - Box of 16
Vitola: (38 x 178 mm)
HORACIO - Pasión 42 - Box of 16
Vitola: (42 x 128 mm)
HORACIO - Pasión 44 - Box of 16
Vitola: (44 x 154 mm)
HORACIO - Pasión 48 - Box of 16
Vitola: (48 x 140 mm)
HORACIO - Pasión 52 - Box of 16
Vitola: (52 x 165 mm)