La Ley: Mareva & Robusto

The resurgence of the brand’s historic excellence.

La Ley, a brand rooted in the rich history of Cuban emancipation and independence, has been revived in the 21st century, bringing back the tradition and craftsmanship that defined its original inception in the mid-19th century. Founded during a time of significant social and political change, La Ley embodies the moral and ethical values that were highly regarded in Cuban society at the time. Today, this legacy continues in the brand's cigars, which are crafted with the same dedication to quality and tradition that marked their first incarnation.

La Ley cigars were originally established during a period when Cuba was experiencing a surge in independence movements and liberal ideologies. The brand was a reflection of the moral standards and human values that were prevalent during this era. These values were not only expressed in the arts and literature but also in the economy, particularly in the tobacco and cigar industry. La Ley, meaning "The Law", was one of several brands that embraced these principles, alongside others like La Igualdad (The Equality) and La Democracia (The Democracy).

Fast forward to today, La Ley cigars have been reborn with a commitment to the same ethics and ideals that guided their original creation. The brand's modern-day cigars are a tribute to the ancestral tradition of cigar making, combining character, balance, and authenticity to deliver a unique smoking experience. La Ley cigars are meticulously crafted using premium international leaves from Ecuador, Nicaragua, Honduras, and an enigmatic third country, resulting in a blend that is both distinctive and nostalgic.

Two standout cigars in the La Ley portfolio are the Mareva and Robusto, each offering a different interpretation of the brand's signature blend.

La Ley Mareva is a Perla-sized cigar that measures 101.6 mm in length with a ring gauge of 44. Wrapped in a luxurious Ecuadorian wrapper, the Mareva is a medium-strength cigar that delivers a rich aromatic profile. The blend features a Nicaraguan binder and fillers from Honduras, Nicaragua, and an undisclosed third country. The Mareva offers a well-rounded tasting experience with a balanced progression of flavors, making it a perfect choice for those who appreciate a compact and satisfying cigar.

La Ley Robusto is a larger, more robust offering, measuring 127 mm in length with a ring gauge of 54. Like the Mareva, the Robusto is wrapped in an Ecuadorian wrapper and features a Nicaraguan binder with fillers from Honduras, Nicaragua, and the same mysterious third country. This cigar is slightly milder in strength but equally aromatic, providing a rich and full-bodied smoking experience. The Robusto’s larger size allows for a longer, more immersive experience, perfect for those who enjoy a leisurely smoke.

Both the Mareva and Robusto exemplify La Ley's commitment to producing cigars that are both true to their historical roots and relevant to modern-day aficionados.

> Discover other premium standard cigars.

LA LEY - Mareva - Box of 21
Vitola: Perla (44 x 101.6 mm)

LA LEY - Robusto - Box of 21
Vitola:  Robusto (54 x 127 mm)
