Montecristo Carmen 250 Aniversario Sevilla Humidor

A tribute to history and craftsmanship.

Montecristo, one of the most esteemed names in the world of Cuban cigars, celebrated the 250th anniversary of the Real Fábrica de Tabacos de Sevilla with an exclusive release: the Montecristo Carmen 250 Aniversario Sevilla. Released in 2022, this limited-edition humidor pays homage to a historic tobacco factory and showcases a new vitola for the Montecristo brand.

The Real Fábrica de Tabacos de Sevilla, built in 1770, is known as the first tobacco factory in Europe. Initially producing snuff in 1758, the factory expanded its offerings to include cigars in the latter half of the 18th century. This expansion helped strengthen Spain's ties with Cuba, a relationship celebrated through this commemorative release. Today, the historic building serves as the headquarters of the University of Seville, yet its legacy as a tobacco factory remains influential.

To honor this milestone, Tabacalera S.L.U., the distributor of Habanos S.A. in Spain, collaborated with S.T. Dupont and La Cartuja de Sevilla to create 250 exquisite humidors, each containing 100 habanos. Crafted from cedar and walnut woods by S.T. Dupont, and adorned with a ceramic reproduction of the Royal Tobacco Factory's facade by La Cartuja de Sevilla, these humidors are true works of art.

The Montecristo 250 Aniversario Sevilla humidor introduces a new vitola: the Montecristo Carmen, commonly named a double corona, measuring 180mm in length with a 49 ring gauge. This vitola, known as Pacos, has previously been used for the Hoyo de Monterrey Escogidos and other exclusive Edición Regional releases. The cigars, produced by five master rollers at the H. Upmann factory in Havana, Cuba, feature the standard Montecristo band along with two additional bands—one bearing the vitola's name and the other depicting the main facade of the Royal Tobacco Factory of Seville.

The inspiration for the cigar's name comes from the character Carmen from Georges Bizet's eponymous opera, symbolizing both the seduction and power associated with the factory's rich history. This release not only celebrates the factory's 250-year legacy but also pays tribute to the cultural ties between Spain and Cuba.

Each humidor comes with a meticulously edited book detailing the history of the Montecristo brand, the Real Fábrica de Tabacos de Sevilla, the myth of Carmen, and the contributions of the collaborators who made this release possible.

This limited edition, exclusive to the Spanish market, is a testament to the enduring legacy of Montecristo and the storied history of the Royal Tobacco Factory of Seville. It is a celebration of history, artistry, and the timeless bond between Spain and Cuba.

> Discover more about the history of the Montecristo brand.

> Discover more commemorative humidors.

MONTECRISTO Carmen 250 Aniversario Sevilla Humidor - Commemorative Humidor - 100 cigars
Vitola: Pacos (49 x 180 mm)

