Partagás Culebras

A unique twist on a Cuban classic.

In the world of Cuban cigars, few names carry the prestige and history of Partagás. Established in 1845 by Don Jaime Partagás, this iconic factory has been producing world-renowned cigars for over a century and a half. Among its many offerings, the Partagás Culebras stands out as a unique and eye-catching cigar, both for its distinctive shape and its rich, complex flavor.

Released in 2007 exclusively for La Casa del Habano and Habanos Specialist stores, the Partagás Culebras is a special edition cigar that quickly became a favorite among aficionados. This peculiar vitola, known as "Culebras," which means "snake" in Spanish, consists of three panetelas braided together and banded as one. The name and shape are derived from a unique tradition. According to legend, factory owners braided cigars to ensure that rollers did not exceed their three cigars per day allotment. If a worker was seen smoking a straight cigar, it would be clear they were taking more than allowed.

Partagás is known for its deep, earthy flavors, and the Culebras is no exception. The blend’s character comes from a selection of tobaccos from the Vuelta Abajo region, chosen for their unmistakable richness of flavor and aroma. Habanos from Partagás come in a wide array of shapes and sizes, but the Culebras is particularly notable for its unique presentation and the experience it offers.

The Partagás Culebras is a short yet pleasant smoke, measuring 146 mm in length with a 39 ring gauge. It delivers a woody, sweet taste that is sure to delight Habanos lovers worldwide. This special edition cigar is handmade, adhering to the high quality standards that Partagás is known for. The Culebras are packed in a semi-plain box containing three individual slide lid boxes, each comprising the three twisted cigars gently tied with a thin red ribbon.

The Culebras was joined by the Salomones in 2008 and the Aliados in 2021, expanding the exclusive offerings available only in La Casa del Habano and Habanos Specialist stores. These cigars, including the Culebras, highlight the brand's commitment to tradition, elegance, and a unique smoking experience.

> Discover more about the history of the Partagás brand.

> Discover other LCDH and Habanos Specialists exclusive releases.

PARTAGÁS Culebras (Habanos Specialist) - Box of 9
Vitola: Culebras (39 x 146 mm)
