Ramón Allones Specially Selected

A Cuban treasure for aficionados.

The Ramón Allones Specially Selected, affectionately known as "RASS" among cigar enthusiasts, stands as one of the most iconic cigars in the Ramón Allones portfolio. While the brand itself may not enjoy the widespread recognition of other Cuban giants, it holds a distinct place in the hearts of connoisseurs who seek rich, full-bodied flavors. First introduced in 1980, this robusto-sized cigar, measuring 124 mm in length with a 50 ring gauge, offers a smoking experience that has captivated aficionados for over four decades.

Established in 1837, Ramón Allones is one of the oldest Cuban cigar brands still in production. The brand is widely credited as the first to adorn its boxes with intricate, branded labels, a pioneering practice that set the standard for the entire industry. Despite its historical significance, the Ramón Allones portfolio has been streamlined over the years, now consisting of only four vitolas: the Gigantes, Small Club Coronas, the newly added Allones No.3, and, of course, the beloved Specially Selected.

The Specially Selected is highly sought after for its intricate and bold flavor profile. While Ramón Allones has a reputation for crafting strong, rustic cigars, the Specially Selected offers a more refined balance of strength and sophistication. Each puff reveals layers of earthy richness, including notes of dark chocolate, leather, and a subtle spice. A gentle sweetness rounds out the experience, creating a harmonious and well-balanced flavor.

Produced at the prestigious Partagás factory, the Specially Selected shares some of the bold, spicy characteristics of the Partagás line. However, it distinguishes itself with an exceptional smoothness and balance, offering a consistently satisfying draw and an even burn throughout the smoke. Its robusto format, known for delivering a cool, flavorful smoke, allows the cigar’s complex profile to fully develop, making each smoking session a memorable experience.

Tasting the Ramón Allones Specially Selected is like embarking on a sensory journey. The initial flavors of dark chocolate and leather provide a robust foundation, while a touch of sweetness softens the intensity. As the cigar progresses, hints of spice emerge, adding complexity without overwhelming the palate. The impeccable construction ensures an easy draw and flawless burn, allowing the flavors to evolve in harmony from start to finish. With its medium to full-bodied strength, the Specially Selected remains balanced and nuanced.

Although the Ramón Allones brand has been reduced to just a handful of vitolas, it continues to make its mark through special releases and regional editions. The brand has been featured prominently in Habanos S.A.'s Edición Regional program, with notable releases like the Hermitage for Russia in 2017 and the 40 Carat for the Netherlands in 2020, further cementing its place in the world of premium Cuban cigars.

> Discover more about the history of the Ramón Allones brand.

> Discover other premium standard cigars.

RAMÓN ALLONES - Specially Selected - Box of 25 and a cabinet of 50
Vitola: Robustos (50 x 124 mm)
