Plasencia Cigars

More than 150 years of tobacco heritage.

Since 1865, the Plasencia family has been perfecting its art of growing tobacco and making cigars. Starting at the rich Cuban lands, before the revolution, and moving later to the sunny soils of Nicaragua and Honduras, five generations of tobacco heritage have been committed to offer cigars of high quality.

Today, the Plasencia family is one of the world's leading producers of premium tobacco with more than 35 million handmade cigars per year and more than 1,200 hectares cultivated in several Central American countries including Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama. Synonymous to traditional culture and sophisticated smoking pleasure, the brand enjoys an excellent reputation in the world of tobacco.

All Plasencia cigars are hand-rolled with tobacco leaves grown in a traditional way, without any pesticides. All the plantations of the family are certified organic. Once harvested, leaves are stored and fermented with the utmost care. As a result, aficionados all over the world appreciate a natural taste of these cigars.

With factories in Honduras and Nicaragua, there is nothing that Nestor Plasencia does not master. He grows his own tobacco, rolls his own cigars and has even contributed to the development of other cigar brands, including Rocky Patel, Alec Bradley and Casa Magna, to name but a few best known. Thanks to this consistent involvement in all aspects of cigar creation, tasting a Plasencia cigar guarantees you a pleasant and unique experience.

The different vitolas:

Plasencia Alma del Campo: a complex and perfectly balanced cigar delivering aromas of coffee, nuts and delicate white pepper accompanied by a nice creamy touch.

Plasencia Alma del Fuego: a cigar featuring a strong character of the volcanic soil of the island of Ometepe. A hint of spices, complemented by delicious tangerine notes, roasted cashew nuts and guava wood give the rhythm to the sweet character of this vitola.

Plasencia Reserva Original: a cigar with an aromatic profile similar to the one that seduced Europeans more than five centuries ago, when they discovered the New World. Notes of nuts, fruit and caramel with subtle nuances of marzipan and final touches of cedar.

Plasencia Cosecha 146: it is made from an exclusive blend of tobacco leaves harvested in 2011 and 2012. This harvest is the 146th in the family since 1865. The leaves are grown in the best regions of Honduras and Nicaragua to offer a unique flavour profile. The result is a medium-bodied cigar with a complex and sweet taste thanks to its wrapper from the lands of the Jamastran Valley.

> Discover more about the history of the Plasencia brand.

PLASENCIA Alma del Campo - Tribu - Box of 10
Vitola: Robusto (52 x 127 mm)

PLASENCIA Alma del Fuego - Concepcíon - Box of 10
Vitola: Toro (54 x 152 mm)

PLASENCIA Reserva Original - Toro - Box of 10
Vitola: Toro (50 x 152 mm)

PLASENCIA Cosecha 146 - La Vega - Box of 20
Vitola: Robusto Gordo (52 x 133 mm)

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